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Join us for worship on Sundays at 10:30 a.m.!
Fairhaven strives to be a friendly church, welcoming all people into fellowship as together we share the love of Christ.
Enter through the the main door, under the spire where you will be greeted by an usher, pastor or member of the congregation.
While our order of service is basically traditional in style, the atmosphere is casual and comfortable. Some worshipers wear jacket and tie, while others come in jeans or shorts. Come as you are!
Traditional hymns, with a mix of spirituals, gospel and contemporary Christian songs are sung by the congregation and our choirs. You may hear an organ, piano and drums, handbells or a variety of instruments on any given Sunday.
During the service, a time of prayer includes the sharing of individual joys and concerns by in person and online worshipers.
Children are always welcome and a special Message for the Child in Each of Us is offered by a pastor or member of the congregation each Sunday. After this time, children are invited to attend Sunday School, but may remain in the worship service, if they prefer. Professional nursery care is provided for infants and toddlers.
Holy communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of the month and on other festival days during the church year. We practice an open communion table. Everyone who is present in worship is invited to receive the bread and the cup.
A time of fellowship follows the worship service most weeks.
Don't hesitate to contact us at with any questions or concerns.
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