“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1
Tuesday Morning Bible Study
10 a.m.
Tuesday morning Bible Study meets on Tuesdays from 10-11:30 a.m. in a hybrid format. In person participants meet in the Garden Room at the church and online participants join via Zoom.
Rev. Ken leads a discussion on the Scriptures, along with the history and traditions of Christianity and The United Methodist Church, frequently aided by video presentations with noted scholars and pastors.
Our current study is The Gospel of Mark by Amy-Jill Levine.
Visitors are always welcome. Please contact the church office to receive the link or join us at the church on Tuesday mornings.

Children's Sunday School
10:30 am
Sunday School begins after the Children’s Time in our worship service. A team of teachers leads fun, interactive Bible lessons in a One-room format.

Adult Church School
Tuesdays 7 p.m.
Our adult “Sunday School” class meets online Tuesday evenings at 7 p.m. Led by Mala Prasad, one of our members, the class is currently studying The Bible With and Without Jesus, by Amy-Jill Levine and Marc Zvi Brettler. Please contact the church office for the link to participate.

Community Engagement
We are striving to build partnerships with local schools, other faith communities and area non-profits to meet the needs of our neighbors. Opportuniities exist to engage in conversations with community leaders and build ministries to strengthen

Thursday Prayer Group
7 p.m. on Zoom
Gather online with church members and friends each Thursday evening at 7 p.m. for a time of scripture, reflection, music and prayer. Please contact the church office for the link to join us.

Anti-racism Team
4th Tuesdays - 7 p.m. on Zoom
Church and community members gather to seek ways to name, confront, and dismantle racism guided by scripture, our Wesleyan heritage, and our United Methodist Social Principles. We hold a monthly Continuing Conversations on Zoom to discuss issues of racial justice and racial healing; provide digital and print resources; engage with other local houses of worship and community organizations to work toward ending racism, poverty, and violence which are too often interconnected; and cooperate with 2 local schools as they develop ways to address issues raised in their results from the Montgomery County Public Sschools Antiracism Audit in their School Improvement Plan. We are currently planning a joint observance of Juneteenth with our Rt. 28 Faith Cluster partners to be held June 19th at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church.

Vacation Bible School
Planned for July 2025

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Fairhaven’s Prayer Shawl Ministry got it’s start under the auspices of the Fairhaven United Women in Faith in the summer of 2010. It quickly spread to include other members of the congregation who were interested in using their needlework skills to support this outreach activity.
The shawls are provided to individuals who are in need of comfort due to illness or loss; for new babies; for newly married couples. The shawls have been sent worldwide – from the Philippines to Great Britain and across the United States. And yes, some have been shared with our furry family members as they approach the Rainbow Bridge.
Currently we meet monthly using Zoom as well as in person. We welcome all knitters, crocheters and anyone interested in sewing on labels.