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Fairhaven UMC


Thursday, March 6, 2025


Mission:  To Love, Live and Serve like Jesus

in our church, community and world.


Sunday Worship

Join us in person or online at 10:30 a.m. as we continue our Lenten journey toward Jerusalem and the cross. Deacon Megan will offer the message, “Ancient Precedents,” inspired by Luke 4:1-13. Tom Taylor, Ed Combs and Kelley Rogers will offer “Why Me, Lord?” by Kris Kristofferson. We will welcome 6 new members into fellowship with Fairhaven! Come, celebrate with us!

Don’t forget the clocks “Spring Ahead” on Sunday morning!


This week's worship participants:

Ushers: Elaine Gibson and Dennis Leighty

Lay Reader: Sue Brothers

Acolyte: Grace Vassell

Coffee Hour Host:  Davies-Venn and Butler family

The link to last week’s service: LINK


Happening This Week

Sunday, March 9 – Please attend Sunday’s service to welcome our new members and observe the first Sunday of Lent.


Save the Dates For Future Events!

March 23 – Hallman Scholarship Appeal

April 13 – Palm-Passion Sunday

April 17 – Holy Thursday 7 pm online Prayer Service

April 18 – Good Friday 7 pm hybrid service

April 20 – Easter Sunday two services: 8 am and 10:30 am

April 27 – Earth Day


Additional New and Important Updates

A huge THANK YOU to all who came out to support the Pancake Supper on Tuesday, including the folks who came out to eat and those who helped set up, serve, and clean up. Special thank you to Curtis Lyons and Rev. Gerry, the amazing cooks!


Trustee Note: Todd, Trustee Chairperson, will be away from March 8, - April 16, 2025. During this time, Mr. Lonnie Davis, Vice Chair, FUMC Trustees will be available for any trustee-related issues at Fairhaven United Methodist Church. Lonnie can be reached at ( or (301-602-3739).


Huree:  So far in 2025 we have collected just over $7,000 for Huree University in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.  This is in addition to the $2,000 that has been allocated to Huree in FUMC's 2025 budget.  Many thanks to all of you who have donated.  The January newsletter from Huree is attached.


The Fairhaven food drive for Gaithersburg Help continues until March 16.  Donations can be left on the “Gaithersburg Help” table in the hallway to the left of the Narthex.


Prayer List: Please see the attached list of the joys and concerns raised during the past two Sundays’ worship services.  Please continue to offer these prayers to God.


News from Washington Region and 

Baltimore-Washington Conference   

Please read the letters from Bishop Easterling, “A Calming Word for Vitriolic Times,” and “An Ash Wednesday Message” They are also posted on the church bulletin board. 


Federal Legislative Advocacy Day will take place on March 26 at Capitol Hill UMC. The event is an opportunity for United Methodists to meet their representatives and advocate for United Methodist values. 


Mar. 14 (10 am)—Project Spirit Sickle Cell (PSSC) Sponsors an Upcoming Blood Drive. Host Church (CMD): Goshen UMC, 19615 Goshen Rd., Gaithersburg, MD If you or someone in your community is able to donate blood, appointments may be scheduled by calling 800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visit and enter: "ProjectSPIRIT".  See the flyer for more information.  Read the Winter newsletter to learn what PSSC has accomplished and has planned.


March 15, 2025, at 3 pm, Grace United Methodist Church in Gaithersburg will host, Conversation with Mitch Albom on Truth and Purpose.  

During the afternoon together, Albom will share inspiring insights from his latest novel, The Little Liar, which delves deeply into the powerful themes of truth, trust, and redemption. In addition to discussing this poignant new work, Albom will reflect on his life-changing humanitarian efforts with the organization Have Faith Haiti. The book discussion and community conversation will be followed by light refreshments and community discussion. You can learn more about Mitch Albom on his website, linked here.  The event is open to everyone and every denomination.  Attendance is entirely free, but registration is required.


Mar. 31 (Deadline)—Annual College Scholarship Application Now Open
The Baltimore-Washington Conference of The United Methodist Church Scholarship Program provides scholarships to help supplement the financial needs of today. Learn more about the requirements and application process online.  


Of Continuing Interest... 

Remember our Sick and Shut-ins 


Weekly Schedule 

Office Hours This Week: 

Pastor Ken: Tuesday 9:30-6:30;  Pastor Ken will be out of the office on Wed.

Rita Green:  Tuesday - Thurs., 9 am – 12 pm


Sunday Worship: Every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. ZOOM Link   

Meeting ID: 156 030 351         Passcode: 324036        Dial-In: 301 715 8592   

We ask that you remain muted during the Sunday service once worship has started. The service is edited before it is later posted to our YouTube channel.


Pastor’s Bible Study:  Tuesday at 10 a.m.,   Chapter 4 in Amy-Jill Levine’s The Gospel of Mark.  ZOOM LINK    Meeting ID:  775 496 640   Passcode: 656327 Dial-In 301 715 8592


Adult Bible Study:  Tuesday Evenings 7-8 pm by Zoom.  Mala Prasad is leading a study on The Bible With and Without Jesus by Amy Jill Levine and Marc Zivi   Brettler.   ZOOM LINK   Meeting ID:  811 8541 4235 Dial-In 301 715 8592


Weekly Prayer Service: Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. Need a mid-week spiritual lift? All are welcome to join us online at 7:00 p.m. for our weekly Thursday evening prayer service. ZOOM LINK


Grief Support Group:  Will meet in person on Thursday, March 6, at 6:30 pm.  If you are interested in participating in the group, please contact Rev. Gerry at for more details.  


Contact Information 

Pastor Ken Hawes:; 240-329-7638 

Deacon Megan Blanchard:  

Rita Green:,  c-301- 648-8294

Christina Mollard:  

Leah Huggins: 


If you would like to participate on Sunday mornings, please contact: 

Lay Reader - Sharie Bernard at 

Ushers – Barbara Dougherty at   

Acolytes – Hannah George at  


Financial Giving to Fairhaven: Thank you for your continued generosity for the ministry of Christ through Fairhaven UMC. There are 3 ways to make an offering:


You may designate your gift to several funds:

  • General Fund: the primary fund covering budgeted expenses

  • Discretionary Fund: helps people in need on an emergency basis (at the pastor’s discretion)

  • Capital Expenses: for ongoing church building needs

  • Invest in Fairhaven: a specific capital campaign to do building upgrades

  • Building Use: for community members who use the building to pay their use fees

  • Other funds are activated-deactivated through the year for specific causes (Huree, SAVE, UMCOR, etc)


Fairhaven United Methodist Church was formed when McDonald Chapel, Hunting Hill, and Pleasant View voted to combine their congregations in 1968.  We are Christians devoted to making disciples for Jesus Christ to transform the world.


(301) 330-5433


12801 Darnestown Road

Gaithersburg, MD 20878



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