Fairhaven UMC
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Mission: To Love, Live and Serve like Jesus
in our church, community and world.
Sunday Worship
Join us in person or online at 10:30 a.m. as we continue our series, Love Like Jesus, as we consider Fairhaven’s value, Courageous History. Rev. Ken’s message is inspired by Acts 27:1, 7-8 and Mark 7:24-27. Mr. Thompkins Hallman is the first speaker in our month-long Black History Celebration. The Sanctuary Choir will sing “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot,” arranged by David Lantz III. Holy Communion will be celebrated. Come, worship with us!
This week's worship participants:
Ushers: Earnestene Pearson and Bethany Chambers
Lay Reader: Joyce Alexander
Acolyte: Lily Babalola
Coffee Hour Host: Mala Prasad and Barbara Dougherty
The link to last week’s service: LINK
The link to the MLK Service: LINK
Happening This Week
Saturday, Feb. 1, 10 am – United Women in Faith invites all women of Fairhaven to our first meeting of 2025, as we begin exploring the topic of the year, “Carrying Our Faith Forward.” This is the LINK and Meeting ID: 814 4547 9276
Passcode: 978171 for the virtual meeting. You can stay comfy and cozy in the comfort of your own home. 😊
Sunday, Feb. 2 – Rev. Ken will meet with confirmation students, with at least one of their parents, on Sunday, February 2, following worship to determine the schedule and share other plans & ideas.
Save the Dates For Future Events!
Sunday, Feb. 9 – Scout Sunday and Cookie Booth
Sunday, Feb. 9 & 23– New Members Class
Sunday, Feb. 16 – Wear Red Sunday
Additional New and Important Updates
Many Thanks to all who attended and worked hard to make our Annual MLK Day Prayer Service a meaningful and inspirational event. Please use the link above to view the service.
Girl Scout Cookies: Girl Scout Troop 33144 will hold a Drive-Thru Cookie Booth in the Church parking lot on 2/9/2025 between noon and 4:00 p.m. Cookie sale proceeds can help scouts afford things like summer camp, which they may not be able to afford otherwise. In addition, any monetary donations collected are earmarked for our U.S. Military to support our local USO and Soldiers' Angels programs. This is a great opportunity for scouts to learn entrepreneurial skills while fundraising and also supporting our U.S. Military. Please stop by and support the Girl Scouts and please use caution when exiting the parking lot. Thank you.
February is American Heart Month. We here at Fairhaven will observe Wear Red Day on Sunday, Feb. 16th to support The National Wear Red Day (Friday, Feb. 7) which raises awareness of the No. 1 killer of women, cardiovascular disease and of the national movement that works to support women's cardiovascular health to end heart disease and stroke in women.
Are you a fan of Gospel Music? The fantastic Heritage Signature Chorale is holding their Black History Month concert featuring the works of Black composers on Saturday, February 22nd from 6-8 pm at the First Congregational UCC in DC. Tickets are listed at $40, but we may be able to get a group discount. If you are interested in attending and would like to carpool from Fairhaven or another stop en route, please email or text Kelley Rogers (kelleyc.rogers@gmail.com, or 301-335-0687). For more information on the Heritage Signature Chorale, check out this link: https://www.heritagesignaturechorale.org/
New members classes will be held on Sunday, February 9th and 23rd after coffee hour in the Garden Room. If you have any questions, contact Debbie Miller at 301-538-2486 (Cell/Text) or by email: drmiller323@gmail.com
Worship Series. We continue our worship/sermon series celebrating the themes of Fairhaven’s Mission, Vision and Values. How do we continue to build community and serve as Christ’s people? What are the pillars upon which the congregation is established? What do we do to continue Christ’s ministry today? How are we living into God’s future?
Sunday, February 2: Courageous History – 1 Corinthians 3:10-17; Matthew 7:24-27
Sunday, February 9: Compassion – James 3:14-18; Matthew 25:31-40
Sunday, February 16: Mission: What We Do for Christ - Micah 6:6-8 ; John 15:12-17
Sunday, February 23: Vision: What We Strive to Become for Christ – Isaiah 65:17-25; Matthew 28:16-20
News from Washington Region and
Baltimore-Washington Conference 
IGNITE, a youth conference in Ocean City will be held March 7-9 and feature powerful messages from speakers Pastor YaNi Davis, Rev. Mike Whang, and our own Bishop LaTrelle Easterling. There will also be remarkable worship with music from North Point Worship, Dove-Award-winning artist Angie Rose, and D.J. El Vow, and opportunities for fun, fellowship, growth, and spiritual adventures. Learn more. Registration closes Feb. 21.
The BWC’s 2025 Maryland Legislative Advocacy Day will be Feb. 26 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Asbury UMC in Annapolis. The event is an opportunity for United Methodists to meet their representatives and advocate for United Methodist values. Learn more and register.
As wildfires continue to devastate communities in Southern California, UMCOR has provided emergency relief funding to the California-Pacific Annual Conference for food, water, and essential supplies for evacuees and to bolster local volunteer efforts. They will continue to offer support throughout the long-term recovery. Churches that want to help have multiple options:
Assist the California-Pacific Annual Conference directly. Learn more.
Give to UMCOR to support this disaster response effort.
To stay connected across the Baltimore-Washington Conference area, read the latest e-Connection or subscribe today.
Of Continuing Interest...
Remember our Sick and Shut-ins
Weekly Schedule
Office Hours This Week:
Pastor Ken: Tuesday 9:30-6:30; Wednesday 10-8
Rita Green: Tuesday - Thurs., 9 am – 12 pm
Sunday Worship: Every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. ZOOM Link
Meeting ID: 156 030 351 Passcode: 324036 Dial-In: 301 715 8592
We ask that you remain muted during the Sunday service once worship has started. The service is edited and will be posted to our YouTube channel later.
Pastor’s Bible Study: We are studying, The Gospel of Mark, by Amy-Jill Levine. The class meets in a hybrid format at 10 am.
ZOOM LINK  Meeting ID: 775 496 640 Passcode: 656327 Dial-In 301 715 8592
Adult Bible Study: Tuesday Evenings 7-8 pm by Zoom. Mala Prasad is leading a study on The Bible With and Without Jesus by Amy Jill Levine and Marc Zivi Brettler. ZOOM LINK Meeting ID: 811 8541 4235 Dial-In 301 715 8592
Weekly Prayer Service: Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. Need a mid-week spiritual lift? All are welcome to join us online at 7:00 p.m. for our weekly Thursday evening prayer service. ZOOM LINK.
Grief Support Group: Will meet in person on Thursday, Feb.6, at 6:30 pm. If you are interested in participating in the group, please contact Rev. Gerry at therevjr@msn.com for more details.
Contact Information
Pastor Ken Hawes: pastorken.fairhavenumc@gmail.com; 240-329-7638
Deacon Megan Blanchard: rev.megan.blanchard@gmail.com 
Rita Green: fairhavenumc@gmail.com,  c-301- 648-8294
Christina Mollard: ycmollard@gmail.com  
Leah Huggins: lhuggins1306@students.wesleyseminary.edu
Financial Giving to Fairhaven: Thank you for your continued generosity for the ministry of Christ through Fairhaven UMC. There are 3 ways to make an offering:
In Person: place a gift in the offering plate on Sunday mornings
Mail: send a check to the church payable to Fairhaven United Methodist Church
Online:  https://fairhaven.breezechms.com/give/online
You may designate your gift to several funds:
General Fund: the primary fund covering budgeted expenses
Discretionary Fund: helps people in need on an emergency basis (at the pastor’s discretion)
Capital Expenses: for ongoing church building needs
Invest in Fairhaven: a specific capital campaign to do building upgrades
Building Use: for community members who use the building to pay their use fees
Other funds are activated-deactivated through the year for specific causes (Huree, SAVE, UMCOR, etc)